Remote ID

Want to keep using your current drone...

We provide the solution!

The laws around drones are changing. Soon most drones will have to transmit a digital dumber. The so-calles Remote ID. We provide this in several different ways.

A. With built-in modules. These are intended for drone manufacturers and hobby builders.

B. With an extern module which can be added to your current drone.

We provide several different product with different amounts of accuracy.

1. Only transmits Remote ID with an approximate position.

2. An approximate position with an online connection.

3. 1 centimeter precision in the open field with an online connection.

4. 1. centimeter precision in the city with an online connection.


With a Remote ID you meet the new EU rules pertaining drones and are therefore allowed to keep on flying. Our Remote ID is created to work together with UTM Europe. Before and during your flight you receive relevent information about where and with which licences you are allowed to fly.

Intern Remote ID

This is our Remote ID designed for drone manufacturers. This way the drone is immediatly CE certified in that area  and allowed to fly if all the other specifications check out.


Our remote ID's accuracy depends on what you prefer. The most accurate is 1 cm in the city. Outside of the city, in the open field we can provide an accuracy of 1 cm or 2 meter.


Safe storage

All data is safely stored withing the Remote ID.

Safe communication

The communication is safe. Therefore it cannot be intercepted.

Unchangable ID

There has to be a sticker on the drone which shows the Remote ID.